Sunday, December 06, 2015

Yu Ming and his egg mayo sandwich

Today Yu Ming was making egg mayo sandwiches for us which he learnt at school few days back. In the morning, I brought him to market to buy the sandwich loaf and mayonnaise. He chose the blue packaging white bread although we usually buy the green packaging Massimo wheat germ bread, I think maybe his school was using the blue packaging Massimo bread. At home, he asked me to prepare the ingredients and he started to make the egg mayo himself.

The recipe:

Ingredients: (No exact measurement, just follow your own judgement on the quantity and taste)
1. Bread (Sandwich loaf)
2. Hard boiled Eggs (peeled)
3. Mayonnaise
4. Pepper
5. Salt


Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.
Step 2: Roughly Chop the egg in a mixing bowl using spoon and folk
Step 3: Put in some pepper into the mixing bowl
Step 4: Put in some salt into the mixing bowl

Step 5: Add in some mayonnaise into the mixing bowl.
Step 6: Mix well by stirring all the ingredients in the mixing bowl.

Step 7: Spread the egg mayo onto the bread.
Step 8: DONE!
Zi Ming made his egg mayo sandwich using the filings prepared by Yu Ming.

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